Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kiddo Is Back To Blogging!!!!

Hey guysssss~~~~~~
I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I said, I will update my blog if I got a chance to online~

Currently I in my industrial training in one of the resort in Langkawi... For the past 4 days, I had been very busy as one of the company group came to the resort. About 400 people were coming in... All are Malaysians... very typical Malaysians. I hope u know wat I try to say here...

Well... I got only one thing to mention here... Malaysian... plz dun waste the food... even u in buffet and ur meal is pay by ur company and u are eating free food... Its really bad attitude...
And I heard one of the conversation between two women which make me feel so sad...
Woman A was eating with her friends... later woman B came and join them... they chit chat for a while... den Woman A is leaving with her friend while woman B continue to eat her meal...

Woman B : " eh kak... itu semua taknak ke? "
(" Eh sis... all those are unwanted anymore? ") pointing at a table full of desserts....
Woman A : " ya lar... bazir kan? tapi apa boleh buat? "
(" ya lar...wasting rite? but wat to do? ") and she jz leave the table...

They are so wasting.. they should be able to think rationally rite... I believe they age are old enough to be rational... haiz... Malaysians.....

Neways... CNY is coming real soon....and I cant go back.... only two days of holidays... cant eat with family... cant meet all my friends... haiz... celebrating CNY with Celes only... in Langkawi...
Thts all for today i think.... will update next time... RM3 per hours can kill...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

ChungKiddo.Blogspot.Com is gonna be TEMPORARY shut down....

Haiz.... This gonna be my last post for this month... and this blog gonna be 'death' or in other words... no update will be done. Why? Becoz I going for my industry training in Langkawi tml morning. Its gonna be no computer life for 10 weeks!!!

So if anyone would like to contact me... call me or sms will do...

If i got chance to online... I will try to update my blog~


Friday, January 2, 2009

~New Year~

新的一年又开始. 发今年的第一个post就用华语来写吧. 在2008年我到地做了什么? 让我们一起来回想吧~

开始了一段恋情. 一段然我领悟到爱情是多么的复杂. 当然是很开心但也有不开心的时候.

去了KL,在我堂哥的书店帮忙. 一做就做了整个月. 到了新年才回来.

回来过新年~ 和家人与朋友度过一个难忘的新年.




2008年最紧张的时候,因为我将要拿SPM的成绩! 幸好成绩并不坏... 拿了成绩单后就飞去KL注册college. 我选了酒店管理的课程.


正式加入了Taylor's school of Hospitality and Tourism.

还买了一个新的手提电脑. Andrina买了新的百万富翁. 真是反老换童. 但满好玩的~


在college也有一段認日子,认识了很多新朋友~ 适应新的环境并不难嘛. 哈哈哈~


我的假期到了.终于可以回家了.好想念家人与朋友.回去前,我跟朋友去溜冰. 第一次玩,摔倒了很多次.羞死人了~




好好笑的一个月.我的学院的停车场竟然着火!!! 不知道哪个学生的汽车暴炸了.真可怜~


成功地present Mr.Adrian给我们的0assignment. 我们成功的买出Taksin Slipper和在HIV Theatre Fest拿了安慰奖~


放假回来后,我去了云顶高塬.当然是跟朋友咯~ 玩完了就回到非常高压力的生活.有点不开心.



2008 真是一个值得怀念的一年.