Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ending of Term 4

Finally~ tmr going to be the last day for week 10 and this Saturday gonna be my term end final exam. Everything went on so fast... I feel like yesterday I still in Langkawi having my training practical and today I in college having my final. Let gone tru what had I done during the whole term 4.

The 5 BatangS Swimming Day

Celebrate Yen Wei's Birthday in the Kitchen!!!

Steamboat at Genting!

Celebrated My Birthday (Yenwei's house)

Celebrated My Birthday!!! (At PizzaHut)

Paintball with 5 BatangS

Went to Dessert Bar with whole Group 4!!!

Organize a Forum!

Organize a Welcome Dinner for DH33!

Made a video for Malaysian Studies assignment!

Finish the whole Twilight Saga!

Learn how to do Fruit Carving~

Celebrate Miss Jasmine's Birthday during Grp5 Serving~

Celebrated Ewen's Birthday~

FISHING !!! MY LATEST sport!!!

LAST BUT NOT LEAST !!! ACT COOL!!! Hahahahahaha!!!


cHrIstInA_YY said...

Happy Birthday to u!!! And all the best in your exams *cuddle*

Unknown said...

ahh.. ewen's birthday.. too bad I couldn't join.. )= eh! why din include Sam's birthday? LOL